Our endless challenge in the pursuit of safety and deliciousness

Allergy countermeasures

We take all possible measures against allergies.

Currently, we deal with approximately 450 children with allergies.
It brings great joy to all our staff to hear children say that they are very happy to be able to eat food that is similar to what their friends eat. We also rent out boxed meals to children to whom we cannot provide allergen-free meals.

Concerning the application for allergen-free meals.

Please consult with the preschool first. When requesting allergen-free meals, we ask parents to submit medical certificates so that we can grasp the details of the allergies. In addition, we ask you to fill in the "Food Allergy Medical Record." Our staff in charge will conduct an interview for more detailed information and decide whether we can accommodate your requests. To prepare allergen-free meals with utmost attention, we require one week of advance notice.


The boxed meals prepared by our specialized staff are carefully wrapped individually.


A sticker with the child's name is attached to each boxed meal at the end to complete the personalized boxed meal.

Our HACCP-certified plants place the first priority on hygiene.

We always try our best to secure safe and worry-free food ingredients and ensure thorough hygiene control. We deliver 10,000 lunches for preschool children and 400 boxed meals for elderly people every day. Since we provide boxed meals to physically weak children and elderly people, food poisoning is an incident that we can never allow. Should it ever occur, it would endanger people's lives. We have an inescapable responsibility to those who use our services and their family members. Therefore, as a countermeasure, we have acquired HACCP certification.
The responsible personnel in each department is required to receive training and acquire a qualification.


HACCP is an abbreviation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. It is a system to check the hygiene and quality control in all steps of the food manufacturing process from raw material to the final product, so as to manufacture safe food.

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